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Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? He followed the sign!

Business owners know that one of the major challenges they face is getting customers through the door. While some businesses benefit from aggressive forms of direct marketing, many others must take a more passive approach when attracting customers. Often things like word-of-mouth are key to this type of marketing, but in the end, making your business easy to find and attractive to would-be consumers (like the chicken) is crucial to growing your customer base.

Signage: Building a Lasting First Impression-Branding

Past and current research proves that signs are a major factor in driving purchases and affecting customer decisions. More than percent of 75 percent of consumers have chosen to enter a store they had never before visited based purely on its sign. Many referrals have been made based off of a sign someone has seen. Even more interesting, many studies show that a high percentage of customers admit to having made purchases of products or services after a sign caught their eye.

Clearly, signs play an important role in attracting customers to both

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a company and its individual products. An attractive sign is memorable and enticing. It makes the initial promise of what a store might offer, and it lays down the framework for what a customer might expect from interactions with that company. In other words, signs are a valuable part of branding, and their value should not be underestimated.

If great signage has a positive effect on sales and brand awareness,

It works, but??

poor signage has a similarly major effect on consumer behavior. A store’s sign is a reliable indicator of the company’s products and services. Customers believe that a company with a badly designed or unattractive sign will offer an inferior product or unprofessional service. If you are investing in a sign, make sure it’s high-quality in design and materials and that there are no misspellings! :)

Great Signs Don’t Stop at the Door:

Indoor advertising can be a valuable tool for driving purchases, and identifying a business.

It’s estimated that around half of all in-store purchases are made spontaneously, and many of these are based on the information available to shoppers at the time of purchase. Indoor signage introduces products, promotes sales and educates customers about the goods or services offered in the store or office.

A sign for a product or service may cause someone remember something they needed or had intended to purchase it at another time. These signs can help guide customers through stores, offices or buildings and provide additional information about key products or services.

They can also help to build your brand:

By repeating key messages and stylistic components found in the business’s main sign, these in-store signs help to provide cohesion to your marketing message and cement your brand’s image in the customer’s mind.

The Bottom Line:

It pays to invest in a few well-placed and well-designed signs to attract customer attention, provide valuable information and drive sales. How do you get your customers to cross the road to get to your store’s inside? Show them a great sign.

For a variety of wholesale signage options, contact Fox Design Services today!

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